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Where To Watch The Pros

Click on the following links to see the latest updated Schedule.

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USA Pickleball Association (USAPA): The USAPA is the national governing body for Pickleball in the United States. They organize and sanction various tournaments throughout the year. You can check their website for the latest tournament schedules.


Professional Pickleball Association (PPA):

The PPA is a professional organization dedicated to promoting and organizing Pickleball tournaments. They host tournaments featuring top professional players. Visit their website  for the most up to date tournament information.

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Association of Pickleball Professionals (APP): The APP is another organization that organizes professional Pickleball events and tournaments. They host tournaments in partnership with various promoters and venues. You can find their tournament schedule on their website.

International Federation of Pickleball (IFP): The IFP is the international governing body for Pickleball. While their focus is primarily on international events, they also provide information about major tournaments and championships happening around the world. 


Watch Pros on Youtube

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